1/17 Jake's Journal - Move? Full Moon - cause people are nuts

I don't get people some times.  I'm taking three classes this semester.  Ancient history (well, not really ancient), ag systems 207, and applied science.  So we're in applied science, talking about how the power distribution network works.  Prof. Fusman is teaching this course, and he says something like "most of our power comes from the rings, with the main ring collecting and the polar distribution ring transmitting to all of us" and some guy coughs, and then makes a complete ass of himself, saying there's only one ring, and we can't even see it.  Frank (Prof. Fusman, he tells us to call him Frank), just leans against his desk, waiting the guy out.  Then when the git is done, Frank just says, "we'll discuss that after class", turns off the guy's feed (at least we couldn't see or hear him anymore), and we keep going.  

I've seen that guy in classes before - he isn't usually such a loudmouth, but he sure was today.  If I remember right, he's from Hillman or something, even more nowhere than we are, probably where they don't have a receiver or something.  The receiver and the port are the only reason Port Hibernie is here at all, and the glass house is only here because of the receiver, so I definitely know about ours.  And geez, if you know anything about when the receiver gets hot, you'd know it's because the distribution ring is overhead.  You can definitely see it too.  You just need to know when to look for it.  

Actually, I'm not sure if - it's Greg, I think - was talking about the big ring or the one we can see.  I mean, I've only seen the big ring from Billy showing it to me from his place down south, and pictures.  It's supposed to be really pretty, but you can't ever see it from here.  It's too far south.  Here we get to see the aurora, the distribution ring - kind of - and Luna.  

Speaking of Luna - full!  Boy is that nice, shining like a memory of the sunshine in the summer.  At least it was earlier today, but then it clouded up.  They say we might get some snow tonight, and then when the clouds clear off again we'll get a full moon, aurora, and all of it shining off of the snow.  I won't be the only one out to look at that.  

Nat made a really depressing point over the weekend.  Jess is in her second week down there.  As in, things must be going pretty well.  She just says the exams went fine, and they're showing her around the university and city.  Nat thinks that means they're going to admit her.  That's not the depressing part, that's the great part.  The depressing part is that with just me in this apartment, there's no way they'll let me keep it.  I suggested that maybe he could move in with me, and he sniggered.  No, he'd be happy enough to move in - we have a really nice place, actually.  Right between town and the glass house, not too far from the rail station, this beautiful vidiwall.  We've had this place for a few years now, so I kind of forgot how tony that is.

The problem is that two boys don't rate a place like this.  Heck, even if they'd let four of us live here, which they wouldn't, we'd have to have Billy be one of us to come close to being allowed to keep this place.  They've had Jess tagged for great things for a while.  I only really get to live here because I'm her brother, and she probably told 'em she wanted it that way.  She's a great sister.  Really, she treats me great, whereas most of the women in town might be interested in Billy, but they don't give me a second thought.  Just the way it is, I suppose.  Nat's got a chance - he's a 'manly' boy, so some adventurous type will eventually take him in.  Not much I can offer, except some fresh vegetables...

I think her being gone has really gotten me down.  I'm just not sleeping well, and lots of things seem to be going badly enough that - dunno, I just feel kind of depressed. It was great seeing the moon full, so maybe I just need some snow.  It'll be nice to get the skis out, and we might need to clean off the receiver, so something to do.
