Introduction - Jake's Journal entries, 1/3/622 - dreams, moonrise

The moon rose for the first time this year. Nothing special about that. Just a small edge of cold glow on the horizon. Compared to the rest of the dark, it was pretty spectacular though. It lit up the whole sound when it cleared the coastal range. And then it was gone again. Back to the frigid little stars and, sometimes, the golden edge of the ring catching the light just the right way. 

We're at the middle of the persephone now, so we're just keeping things going at the glass house. A lot of greens that just barely grow with bit of light we can give them. It hurts your eyes being in there too. Outside it's dark like you're blind. Inside it's painfully purple. You come out into a regular light room and everything is green. Even I can see that green. 

I'm having a lot of really weird dreams these days. Can't quite figure it out - lots of little trolls or something, sometimes with extra arms, or metal legs, or Medusa hair. Just odd. And tunnels. Tunnel after tunnel. I hate tunnels in dreams. They always seem to get narrower just because they know I won't put up with it. I shout "No!" in the dream and it changes to a wide-open field, but you can see the tunnels all around anyway. It's like gophers made people-sized holes everywhere. 

These dreams always have a million things to work on. Seems like gopher-hole dream world is broken all the time too. Some helpful little troll will come along, taking my hand, leading me along some path or into some wide tunnel, wanting me to tell it how to fix something. I'll show it what's wrong, it'll happily start putting things back the way they should be. Sometimes it'll call some friends to help it, and I'll 'direct traffic' of little trolls. Every now and then we have to fight off - things. Usually it's gophers. Birds attack some of the time. Once it was clearly an insect bot - it had a lot of legs. It seemed to think we were bugs. 

The really strange thing is that when there's one of those dreams, I wake up in a cold sweat. Usually I'd wake up from one of those tunnels, but those aren't the problem. It's the fights. But I don't wake up from the fight - that's long over, usually. More like things go back to normal (I always end up in that field, everything quiet), then I wake up and things are a mess - covers tossed off, the sheets and I are damp, once the nightstand was knocked sideways. Just strange.
