
Showing posts from January, 2022

1/12 Jake's journal - dinner with Nat & Arti, Billy called from the south

Venison.  Or maybe it's all natural meat, I don't know.  That's just a strange taste, texture, all that.  You really have to chew it.  It's not like regular meats.  Regular meats just kind of melt in your mouth compared to the venison.  You really have to work at that.  Nat says it was prepared just fine, I'm just soft.  Arti certainly seems to agree.  She said I'm worse than a puppy on eating meat ("What do you think you have teeth for?")  But hers was close to raw - eww. The carrots were absolutely brilliant.  We're still (slowly) harvesting them in the glass house.  This year we're going from fall carrots to the spring lettuce in those plots.  We raise a section of carrots, have a mixer go through that section, mix in the first finish compost, put down a layer of second finish, and plant lettuce seed into it.  Bit of water, little surface heat, one cooker phase, and about a week later we have pretty little lettuce plants popping up everywher

1/10 Jake's journal - more on that ship, Nat's back

Apparently I saw about as much of that ship blowing up as anyone.  They say it was over the hill from Compton, so no one in town had a view of the ship itself.  They interviewed seven of us separately, then put us in a room together, and had us try to fill in details.  Ted Havlock saw a power transmission, he said, then it went dark, and a few seconds later he saw the same flash I did, except it was light on top of a building nearby.  He didn't actually see the flash directly.  Then he heard the boom.  I didn't see anything before - I was looking the other way.  Then I saw the flash out of the side of my eye and looked that way.  The others didn't see anything directly at first, then they heard the explosion and saw the cloud. The power receiver for Compton is east of the town.  The one for the glass house is northeast of the dome.  Ted wasn't sure that the ship was the same direction as the transmission, but it was a different direction from Compton's receiver.  He

1/7 Jake's journal - Ship from UAE, Jess headed to the capital

Sure enough, that ship was from the UAE.  But get this - it was more or less in our waters (there's always some argument about who 'owns' what distance from shore), but they're saying it was in international waters, and they're claiming we blew it up!  I didn't see what actually happened, but I could see it off in the distance, and it didn't seem like there was anything else out there.  It certainly wasn't something from land.  The glass house is about as close to where it happened as town is, and I didn't hear any kind of cannon or anything.  It's not like New Victoria has any kind of weapons that could have done that anyway.  We barely have enough power to run buildings and trams.   It's a very big stink though.  The navy says they had no ships in the area at the time.  They're asking around for people who saw what happened.  I told Mr. Baker at work what I saw, and he thinks I should tell the investigators.  It sounds like there were o

1/5 - Some ship blew up, flea beetle problems

A bit of excitement today.  Off to sea, some ship went kablewy.  I was working outside the glass house, enjoying a bit of moonlight, truth be told, when there was a flash off to the northwest.  I looked in that direction and saw a spot of bright light and then a lit-up cloud.  It must have been 20km off shore.  Someone said it was Uaen.  A dozen drones took off right away, and a couple of coastal protection ships too, but there doesn't seem to have been much left to rescue. Otherwise, the flea beetles have gone nuts.  Had to fire up the spray bots - the usual bug hunters can't really do anything about flea beetles.  They're too small and fast for the bot to lock on, and it's almost a waste of power to fire a laser at them.  Hector took some plant soil samples to check for larvae, and they're planning to lay down nematodes again when that shipment gets here.  But it's too early to find larvae.  I told him that, but have microscope, will travel, or something.  The

Introduction - Jake's Journal entries, 1/3/622 - dreams, moonrise

The moon rose for the first time this year. Nothing special about that. Just a small edge of cold glow on the horizon. Compared to the rest of the dark, it was pretty spectacular though. It lit up the whole sound when it cleared the coastal range. And then it was gone again. Back to the frigid little stars and, sometimes, the golden edge of the ring catching the light just the right way.  We're at the middle of the persephone now, so we're just keeping things going at the glass house. A lot of greens that just barely grow with bit of light we can give them. It hurts your eyes being in there too. Outside it's dark like you're blind. Inside it's painfully purple. You come out into a regular light room and everything is green. Even I can see that green.  I'm having a lot of really weird dreams these days. Can't quite figure it out - lots of little trolls or something, sometimes with extra arms, or metal legs, or Medusa hair. Just odd. And tunnels.